About World Heritage Studies and Cottbus

Cottbus is a medium-sized town located in the heart of Lusatia, in the East of Germany, lying approximately midway between Berlin and Dresden.

Remains of the old town wall and a medieval convent remind us of the town’s long history, going back to the 12th century. The town is known as the centre of the Sorbs/Wends, a minority whose language and culture are protected by German law. Hence, Cottbus houses the only Wendish Museum in the world.

Other landmarks are the Art-Nouveau Theatre, Park Branitz, designed by landscaping-enthusiast Prince Pückler-Muskau (1785-1871), and the university’s own Information, Communication and Media Centre (IKMZ), designed by the Swiss architect duo Herzog & de Meuron. A must-see is also the Dieselkraftwerk Museum, a former power plant, which now hosts various modern and contemporary art exhibitions. The vice-dean of BTU’s Faculty 2, Prof. Karin Eisenloffel, and her team were involved in the building’s transformation process as structural consultants.

With so many things to see and do around Cottbus, apart from attending our conference, we hope you enjoy your stay – and why not extend it a little to explore the town a bit further?